About Us
Church History ​
Faith Christian Center Church was organized in May, 1984 .
An urban-based ministry, the Church has been at the forefront of community outreach and ministering to those who do not interact with traditional internal worship services. The Church is known for its community feeding program, street baptisms, and leadership in external ministry.
Our Pastor

Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Mamie Bridgeforth
M.S.W. L.S.W. Ph.D

Dr. Mamie Bridgeforth is the Chairperson of the Division of Social Sciences at Essex County College. She has completed her 45th year as a member of the Faculty of the College. In June 1998, Dr. Bridgeforth made history when she became the first woman to be elected to lead a political ward (West Ward) in the City of Newark. Dr. Bridgeforth is a former member of the Editorial Board of Annual Editions/Social Problems: McGraw-Hill/ Dushkin Publishing Company. Throughout her professional and personal career, Dr. Bridgeforth has worked to enhance the quality of life of the citizens of Newark. She organized the first faith-based homeless day camp in the City of Newark and became the founder of the “Magic Kingdom Express” yearly bus tour to Orlando, Florida for underprivileged urban youngsters. Recognizing the struggle so many parents experience providing for their children, Dr. Bridgeforth established the “West Ward Children’s New Winter Coat Drive” upon her inauguration to the office of West Ward Councilperson. Currently, Dr. Bridgeforth‘s ministry provides free nutritional hot dinners every Sunday for the community at Faith Christian Center from 12:00pm-2:00pm and lunch for the community every Wednesday from 1:30pm-2:30pm.
Dr. Bridgeforth has received many awards and recognitions. Among them has been the “Inner City Education Award,” the “National, International and Pan–American Sambo Federation Award,” the “Sharing Network Appreciation Award”, the “United States Army Appreciation Award” and the N.A.A.C.P. She is also currently the keeper of the “Dream Award”. Additionally, she is a member of numerous academic and professional organizations. She was a Founding Board Member of Offenders Aid and Restoration and the Founder of Daughters of Deborah, a reentry, educational program for women. She is also the founder of the N.J Pastors Wives Achievement Awards. Dr. Bridgeforth was also appointed by Mayor Ras J. Baraka as his representative to PWI, the West Ward Special improvement District Board.
Called to the ministry over two decades ago, Dr. Bridgeforth is an ordained minister and is currently Pastor of the Faith Christian Center Ministries in Newark, New Jersey. In that capacity she has served as a mentor for many young ministers. Her family has always been her main focus. Dr. Bridgeforth was married to the late Deacon Lawrence Bridgeforth, for 47 years, and they have three daughters, two sons who are Pastors, and fourteen grandchildren. Dr. Bridgeforth holds an Associate Degree from Essex County College and advanced degrees from Rutgers University. She holds an Advance Certification in Gerontology and she is a Certified HIV Family Counselor. Dr. Bridgeforth is a Licensed Social Worker (L.S.W.) in the State of New Jersey and holds a permanent Social Studies teaching certificate and she has undertaken post graduate studies at Liberty University Baptist Seminary in Lynchburg Virginia. She credits her success in life to her late 96 year old mother, Lucille White, who was called home in June 2013 and an unwavering belief that God is faithful. What He promised that He will do.
Minister Ken Thomas
Minster Ken Thomas is originally from Valdosta, Georgia. In spite of higher education not being advocated for in his community, he was fortunate enough to attend Rutgers University and earn a B.A. degree in both Administration of Justice and Africana Studies. He then when on to attend Seton Hall Law School, where he received his J.D. Currently, he works for the Attorney General Office as an Investigator. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Essex County College, where he teaches Criminal Justice and Criminal Law.